

Project: Tarefa

on July 6, 2022

Photo of a laptop showing the Tarefa app on the screen.
Photo of a laptop showing the Tarefa app on the screen.

About The Project

The Tarefa project was an excellent opportunity to develop an application in object-orientated programming with the possibility of creating, deleting and updating tasks with a name, description, assigned to, due date and status.

Developed in HTML, CSS and Javascript, the localStore resource in a client-side environment is responsible for storing the information.

It was fun to develop in object-oriented programming, build the class diagram, and use colour theory and navigation components with user interaction. I hope you have a great experience navigating this project.

Photo of a mobile showing the Tarefa app on the screen.
Photo of a mobile showing the Tarefa app on the screen.


Imagine trying to fly a plane after reading a book, watching a video, or even attending a day-long training class. The truth is, practicing and getting feedback is the only way to become proficient in a new skill.

In his book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise , Anders Ericsson explains how deliberate practice is harnessed.

This project was an opportunity to practice different skills, as shown in the chart below:

Skill utilization percentage graph.

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